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26 % of applications downloaded in 2010 were used just once
Wednesday, 02 February 2011 23:07


Localytics, which is mobile apps analytics company, reports that 26 % of applications downloaded in 2010 were used just once.

If you at least once in your life downloaded random mobile app at night, but never used it afterwards, then you understand what the talk is about. Now you know that there are many people who do the same: Out of nearly 400,000 mobile apps for i-devices and 200,000 apps for devices created on Android platform, which are functional now, about 26% of apps acquired last year was used only a single time, in accordance with report of Localytics – mobile apps analyst.

Employing their software programs that let to get real-time analytics data, Localytics studied thousands of mobile applications on various main mobile platforms, such as Windows Phone 7, iPad, iPhone, Android, BlackBerry. Operating with the information received, the Cambridge MA-based analytics group discovered that those who downloaded an application first time in the first quarter of 2010, 22% did not use it once more. But the quantity of people with the same way of actions, however, rose to 28% by the last quarter of 2010. This fact make some developers consider that this trend is waning.


But what is good for the mobile apps development companies is the news that users of apps.
The good news for developers is that, while many of mobile app users are inconstant and they always try to try something new. It encourages many publishers who dream to break through the barrier and win the competition among the variety of mobile apps.