Benefits of Data Encryption
Securing the data is necessary for commercial organizations. If company loses all important information for no matter what the reason is (a physical theft or a natural disaster), the consequences may be unpredictable and even ruin the whole business. Among numerous security mechanisms the most effective for protecting any confidential information is data encryption. Every company has its own invaluable information that must be secured and protected to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the organization. It may be information on employees and clients, product database or business outline - everything, that is so important for your business that you won't be able to operate if it will be gone. And if any online criminal will get an access to this data, the damage may be irreparable.
It is important understand that any data is vulnerable and may be compromised in two ways:
Physical attack - For example, a disgruntled or recently fired employee wants to damage the organization and decided to steal or destroy data.
Virtual attack - It may be a dishonest industry rival that learned to bypass security and gain access to competitors' data, or a malicious attack, which is intended to purposely corrupt data.
Most of the organizations use multiple hardware solutions like routers and firewalls to ensure the security of confidential data. Such devices can protect data because they keep any external threat out of the network. But intruders developed numerous ways to attack organizations' networks and obtain necessary information. In case one of them will work and company's first line of defense will be penetrated, data encryption will ensure secret data won't be viewed.
Decades ago encryption was used only in military solutions, but now it's a widespread method of securing your data. No matter if it is a software or hardware-based method, it is still fast, reliable and easy to use. What are the key benefits such a solution may offer?
Power: data encryption relies on global standards that can guarantee potential corruption will be mitigated without flaw. There are many solutions that are so large they ensure an entire organization is fully compliant with security policies. Data encryption solutions are affordable enough and may provide even a military-level security for any organization.
Transparency: if a security measure negatively affects your business, employing it will be a bad idea. Efficient encryption solutions allow normal business flow while crucial data is being silently secured in the background. Sometimes it is the best solution when there is no need for user to be aware of what is going on.
Flexibility: Data encryption will help to save and protect any important data, whether it is stored on a laptop or desktop computer, removable storage media, a PDA, an email server or corporate network. Moreover, it will make it possible to securely access your files from any place - at the office, at home or on the road. In case if the storage device is stolen or lost, the data will anyway be impossible to read as it is encoded by the mechanism of the data encryption.
Data encryption has many advantages as it allows to solidly protect and secure your data. It offers peace of mind and saves resources that can be used for perimeter defenses. It is no matter how many security measures you've applied to protect your network, they all are inefficient until your important data will not be protected itself.